
Lecca.io Documentation

Welcome to the Lecca.io documentation! We will provide all the information you need to create AI Agents and Workflow Automations.


Start here to learn how to set up your workspace, invite team members, create app connections, and begin creating projects and workflows.

Getting Started

Create a Project

Understand how projects play a role in organizing and managing your automations

Connect to your third party applications

Learn how to connect to gmail, slack, .etc. Once connected, your agents and workflows can perform actions on your behalf.

Build an AI Agent

Easily build an AI agent that can use your app connection to perform actions on your behalf.

Upload custom data to your knowledge notebooks

By uploading data, you give your agents access to custom data that can help them answer questions and perform complex tasks.

Create your first workflow

Workflows can be complex. Learn how triggers work and how actions can be configured.


Create Variables that can be reused within your Workflows


We support 4 types of triggers. Manually Run, Recurring Schedule, Listen for Webhook, and App triggers.

Add Conditions to your Triggers

You may not want to run your workflow every time your triggers runs. You may want to add some conditions to your triggers.

Passing data from one step to another

Passing data from one step to another is a fundamental concept when building workflows. Generate an output and then map it to another step.

Thank you for choosing Lecca.io to build your workflows and agents! If you need further assistance, feel free to explore our resources or contact support at support@lecca.io.