
AI Agents

AI Agents in are dynamic, capable of performing actions on your behalf, enhancing productivity while integrating smoothly with your applications. This guide will walk you through setting up and managing AI Agents effectively.

Creating and Configuring AI Agents

Step 1: Add Agent Instructions

Begin by crafting clear, concise instructions for your AI Agent. These are critical as they define the tasks your agent will perform and how to perform them.

Step 2: Enable Web Access (Optional)

You can opt to enable web access if your agent needs to pull information from external online sources.

Step 3: Grant Access to App Connections (Optional)

Enhance your agent's capability by connecting it to your apps. This access allows the agent to interact with and perform actions within these applications.

Step 4: Grant Access to Actions (Optional)

Based on the app connections established, specify which actions your AI Agent can perform. Note: The agent can prompt you for additional details needed to complete complex actions.

Step 5: Grant Access to Knowledge Notebooks (Optional)

You can provide your agent with access to knowledge notebooks enhancing its response capability with informed context.

Step 6: Grant Access to Workflows (Optional)

Connect workflows to the agent, allowing it to utilize them as tools or execute them directly. Remember, for an agent to run a workflow, the workflow must have a Manual Trigger, and to output data, an Output Workflow Data action is needed.

Step 7: Enable Sub Agents (Optional)

Connect other agents to enable your AI to delegate tasks or message other agents.

Integration Capabilities and Considerations

Workflow Execution

For scenarios where the tasks asked of your agents are complex, you can create a detailed workflow. These workflows can consist of multiple steps and optionally return an output. Then the workflow can be enabled for the Agent to use as a tool. This beats a simple action that can be enabled because it's more customized.

Troubleshooting and Advanced Settings

While chatting with AI Agents, you can view the details of any actions performed by them. This includes action input values and outputs, providing insights for effective troubleshooting.


Remember, AI Agents utilize Credits. However, in the advanced settings, you have the option to configure your agent to leverage your own OpenAI connection.

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