Google Contacts

Google Contacts Integration

Google Contacts allows users to store and manage their contacts across multiple devices.


Create Contact

Create a new contact in your Google Contacts. This action allows you to add contact details such as name, email, phone number, and address to your Google Contacts list.

List Contacts

Retrieve a list of all your contacts stored in Google Contacts. This action helps you to view and manage your contacts by fetching all contact entries.

Get Contact by Resource Name

Fetch a specific contact using its resource name. This action allows you to retrieve detailed information of a contact by providing its unique resource identifier.


There aren't any triggers available for Google Contacts integration at the moment.



Google Contacts uses OAuth2 for secure authentication and authorization. You will need to connect your Google account to allow the integration to access your contacts.


For any assistance with the Google Contacts integration, feel free to reach out to our support team at