
Projects Overview's Projects feature serves as an organizational tool designed to facilitate automation processes and manage access to your components efficiently. Below is an overview of what Projects can do and how they benefit you:


Projects provide a structured way to organize and restrict access to various components within, ensuring data integrity and facilitating collaboration.

Key Features of Projects

  • Organizational Structure: Projects allow you to organize components such as connections, variables, knowledge notebooks, workflows, and AI agents. This aids in maintaining a clean and efficient workspace tailored to specific tasks or objectives.

  • Component Integration: Projects have the capacity to host connections to various applications, making it easy to integrate different tools within a workflow. They also manage variables and knowledge notebooks, which are crucial for powering workflows and AI agents.

  • Workspace-Level Sharing: While Projects focus on organization at a project level, components such as connections, variables, and notebooks can also be created at the workspace level. This feature allows for broader sharing and collaboration across different Projects within the workspace.

  • Collaboration: You can invite other users to join your Projects, fostering team collaboration. Once a user is added to a Project, they have full admin capabilities, allowing for dynamic interaction and management of the Project components.